Yet another fantastic Thanksgiving Day celebration !
The 6ème and 5ème students of the International Section celebrated Thanksgiving with a festive lunch organized by Apelevia, on November 23rd.
At Restaurant “Le Cintra” in the heart of Aix, Mignet students enjoyed a classic Thanksgiving feast, complete with turkey and mashed potatoes. For dessert, some of the students’ Mums prepared delicious apple and pumpkin pies.
The afternoon was filled with fun and learning as students discovered the history behind Thanksgiving, and reflected on what they’re thankful for.
A big thank you to the wonderful Mums who helped organize this celebration—Deva, Marie, Gwen, Katy, Katie, Jennifer, Heather, and Claire — as well as to Mme. Bon, Mr. Sainte-Rose and Mr. Terrisse for joining us at lunch.
Thanksgiving Day celebration !
The 6ème and 5ème students of the International Section enjoyed a Thanksgiving lunch organized by APELEVIA at the restaurant Le Cintra on Tuesday 22nd of November.
Everyone was so excited to celebrate this north-american tradition, to give thanks and share a special meal with Ms.Fady and Mr.Terrisse. Apelevia Mums baked traditional apple, pumpkin and pecan pies. Everything was delicious!
The students got to learn facts about this tradition from two American mums, Katy and Katie, and answer questions and quizzes. They also wrote their Thank-You notes.
We are thankful for all the help, and cooking skills of Apelevia Mums - Katy, Katie, Tomoko, Claire, Heather, Zolly, and Maria - thank you so much !
A different Thanksgiving celebration !
Given the strange year we have been through and the various
Covid- 19 restrictions , Team APELEVIA had to rethink our traditional Thanksgiving lunch for the 6ème and 5ème students of the International Section in a restaurant !
We organized a Thanksgiving 'Gouter' in the park - open air , social distancing and a chance for all the students to participate !
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. It is a tradition for families and friends to get together to give thanks and share a special meal.
The Mignet students enjoyed traditional pies - pumpkin /apple /pecan and lots of other goodies - carrot cake/chocolate brownies - all baked by Apelevia volunteers. Thanks to Maria for explaining the history of this tradition and making a Canadian speciality dessert called 'bark' - it disappeared real quick !
And the Creme Chantilly went down very well with all the delicious pies
Parents and students alike were happy to catch up , meet each other and enjoy the glorious sunshine.
The students wrote little notes of thanks which will be compiled and put together soon.
The event wouldnt have been possible without the amazing support, help - and cooking skills :) of the Mums that helped and big thanks to Maria for all the organization !
Yet another fantastic Thanksgiving Day celebrated !
The 6ème and 5ème students of the International Section enjoyed a Thanksgiving lunch organized by APELEVIA at the restaurant Le Cintra on tuesday 15 th october.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. It is a tradition for families and friends to get together to give thanks and share a special meal.
The Mignet students enjoyed a traditional meal of turkey and mashed potatoes with homemade cranberry sauce. The delicious apple and pumpkin pies by Apelevia Mums disappeared real quick - with many having second helpings - we even had a Canadian speciality dessert called 'bark' - thanks Beata!
All in all, it was a very happy afternoon of learning ,chatting with tutor partners and being grateful for all that we have.
The students wrote little notes of thanks which will be compiled and put together soon.
The event wouldnt have been possible without the amazing support, organization - and cooking skills :) of the Mums that helped - Zolly,Maria,Beata,Jennifer,Fleur and Heather - thank you so much !
The 6ème and 5ème classes of the International Section celebrated Thanksgiving with a lunch organized by Apelevia.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. It is traditionally a day for families and friends to share a special meal which typically features a roasted turkey.
The Mignet students enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans with homemade cranberry sauce at the Restaurant “Le Cintra” in the center of Aix. Dessert was apple and pumpkin pies made by some of the Mums.
It was a fun afternoon learning about this tradition and its history, getting to know their tutor partners and giving thanks for all we are blessed with.
The students worked on a project that will be presented to the College to express our thanks!
We appreciate the amazing support of the mothers that helped - Angie,Cathleen,Kaori,Kristina,Nancy and Maria - and thank you to Mme. Manivet, Mme Briot and Mr. Terrisse for joining us at lunch.
The 6ème and 5ème classes of the International Section celebrated the North American tradition of Thanksgiving with a lunch organized by the parents association, APELEVIA.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
It is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal which often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables.
The Mignet students enjoyed a similar menu at the Restaurant “Le Cintra”, with homemade cranberry sauce and pumpkin pies made by some of the Mums. It was a fun afternoon - learning about this tradition and its history, getting to know tutor partners and giving thanks for everything we are blessed with.
The students worked on a 'Unity quilt' project that we will soon put together and present to the 'Cantine' team of the College to express our thanks to them for the delicious and nutritious meals they prepare throughout the year !
Un immense merci à Dee, Cathleen, Maria, Kaori and Angie pour cette nouvelle édition du déjeuner de Thanksgiving, ainsi qu'à la Direction, Mme Briot - CPE et à nos chers professeurs pour nous permettre chaque année de pouvoir organiser cet évènement.
6 parents ont permis cette année l'organisation du déjeuner de Thanksgiving pour l'ensemble des 6èmes et 5èmes internationales, avec toujours le même enthousiasme pour les élèves.
Un nouveau lieu pour nous accueillir... mais toujours le traditionnel repas !
Et un peu d'histoire pour transmettre les origines et l'importance de cette tradition.
Pour clôturer le tout, nous avons demandé aux élèves "why are you thankful for", et en prévision la création de deux magnifiques arbres avec leurs mots, que nous offrirons cette année aux deux CPE, Mmes Briot et Paloyan.
La petite communauté nord américaine de Mignet nous a encore une nouvelle fois permis d’organiser un déjeuner de Thanksgiving canadien, et ce pour la troisième année consécutive !
Le flambeau a été repris cette année cinq parents bénévoles (merci à ceux qui se sont proposés par ailleurs). Le lundi 12 octobre le restaurant « les Agapes », à Aix-en-Provence nous a reçus avec toujours le même accueil amical.
Les élèves de 6ème et 5ème ont à nouveau été très enthousiastes dans leur participation, en présence de Mme Manivet-Delhaye, Principale, M. Ponce, Principal-adjoint et de Mme Briot, CPE. Nos remerciements les plus chaleureux à Francisca Laurencier, Maria Pantelli, Erin Jordan, Dominica Babicki et Hélène Raballand pour leur implication sans laquelle ce déjeuner n’aurait pas pu avoir lieu. Nous comptons l’année prochaine sur les futurs parents de 6ème et 5ème pour reprendre le flambeau et continuer à perpétrer cette tradition si importante dans la culture anglosaxonne !
Cette année encore Thanksgiving était sous le drapeau canadien !
Quatre mamans bénévoles, ont organisé ce déjeuner le lundi 13 octobre, au restaurant les Agapes sur Aix-en-Provence, avec toujours le même accueil chaleureux.
A voir leur mine réjouie, les élèves de 6ème et 5ème ont à nouveau été très enthousiastes de participer.
Tous nos remerciements les plus chaleureux à vous toutes : Francisca Laurencier, Maria Pantelli, Erin Jordan et Kelly Besoux pour votre implication sans laquelle ce déjeuner ne pourrait pas avoir lieu.
Trois nouvelles mamans canadiennes, dont les enfants sont en sixième, ont proposé d’organiser cette année le déjeuner de Thanksgiving non pas américain mais canadien ou l'action de grâce en québécois.
Cette fête canadienne a lieu le deuxième lundi du mois d'octobre.
Ce déjeuner s'est donc déroulé cette année le lundi 14 octobre, et comme l’an passé au restaurant les Agapes sur Aix-en-Provence avec toujours autant de succès auprès des élèves de 6éme et 5éme.
Un grand merci à Dominica Babicki , Stéphanie Sempere, Francisca Laurencier pour leur implication et leur enthousiasme dans la préparation de cet événement.
Picnic July 2023:
Fin d'année en beauté pour les Terminales de Duby
Graduation ceremony by Agessia
4 July 2023
Horaires CDI Duby
* Lundi : 8h10 -
* Mardi : 8h10 -
* Mercredi 8h10 -12h05 et
* Jeudi : 8h10 -
* Vendredi : 8h10 -
12h45 - 17h10
Les cinémas Le Cézanne, Le Renoir et Le Mazarin proposent de nombreuses scéances en VO (programme consultable sur internet). Les places peuvent s'acheter sur internet et s'imprimer depuis la maison ou se télécharger sur son téléphone portable.
Rendez-vous en salle pour une après-midi ou une soirée toile.
Chers Adhérents, retrouvez nous également sur FACEBOOK !