The Bureau

President: Sylvie Molinari


I’ve been involved in APELEVIA since 2010, the year my daughter Morgane entered middle school in Mignet. I was APELEVIA 's  vice-president, working with Claude Symonds for two years.


Enriched by this experience and considering the fabulous work done by APELEVIA during many years, I have accepted  to become president this year in order to continue to promote the International Section within Collège Mignet and allow our children to benefit from this  international environment.

Vice -President: Claude Symonds

I’ve been involved in the International Section since 1998, the year when my eldest son entered middle school. 


I participated actively in the founding of APELEVIA where I was the secretary, then vice-president, and lastly, president for three years.  While my daughter was in Lycée Duby.


I’m delighted to hand-over this responsibility  to Sylvie and to this new dynamic, competent and motivated  team.  Long life to APELEVIA!

Treasurer : Sophie Gueguano


I started with APELEVIA in 2007, when my daughter was in Lycée Duby.  With our youngest Arthur entering College Mignet, I am now back to Apelevia Bureau as the treasurer.

Convinced that a multi-cultural education is an asset for our children, I help in APELEVIA so that our children may kepp this chance.

Representing the  Lycée: Sandrine Lepage


Freshly back from London after 8 years and mother of two students in the International Section in Lycée Duby, it seemed to natural to me to join Apelevia's dynamic and experienced team.

In an environment that never stops evolving, and that is sometines complicated for our children, it is important to find ways of improving their learning conditions.

Representing the Lycée : Claudine Magda


My family & I have spent a few years abroad and this wonderful human adventure has truly marked us. 


My children are now in the International Section in Collège Mignet and in Lycée Duby. 


My involvement in this association seemed quite natural and I’m very happy to support APELEVIA which actively participates in the continuous development of the International Section and allows our children to live or to be more open to biculturalism.

Hope to see you all soon!



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MEMBERSHIP 2024-2025

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ADHESION 2024-2025



Fin d'année en beauté pour les Terminales de Duby

Graduation ceremony by Agessia
4 July 2023



Horaires CDI Duby


* Lundi : 8h10 - 18h05
* Mardi : 8h10 - 18h05
* Mercredi 8h10 -12h05 et 13h-16h
* Jeudi : 8h10 - 18h05
* Vendredi : 8h10 - 12h05

                   12h45 - 17h10


Les cinémas Le Cézanne, Le Renoir et Le Mazarin proposent de nombreuses scéances en VO (programme consultable sur internet). Les places peuvent s'acheter sur internet et s'imprimer depuis la maison ou se télécharger sur son téléphone portable.

Rendez-vous en salle pour une après-midi ou une soirée toile.

Chers Adhérents, retrouvez nous également sur FACEBOOK !